I am such a dietary supplement and functional food junkie. I take about 75 pills a day that includes capsules to tablets to softgels. I have a wide variety of powders and liquids lying around as well. I have also dabbled in chewables and gummies. I probably spend $300-$400 every month on these products. And […]
Compliance and Reputation is Everything in this Business!
The current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) regulations for dietary supplements were issued by the FDA in June 2007, and implemented from 2008 to 2010—depending on the size of the company with small companies having three years to comply. For rigorous FDA manufacturing facility inspections from analytical testing, through all procedures, training, paperwork, batch records, and […]
I Believe in Supplements! You Should Too!
In many sports, world-class athletes compete under a code of conduct that prohibits the use of specified drugs and related compounds. These sports use a system of drug testing to monitor compliance with this code. For as long as I can remember, when an athlete tests dirty, there is always speculation that these positive tests […]
Clinical Trials: Taking a Closer Look
I often hear the statement “supported by clinical trials.” Yet, I always thought that was vague. I wanted more detail. Let’s begin with a basic definition: A clinical trial is a research study involving human volunteers. Clinical trials assess the safety and effectiveness of new ways to diagnose, prevent, or treat a certain health condition. […]
Trade Associations: The Good Far Outweigh the Bad
There are thousands of trade associations in the United States. There are trade associations and organizations for every industry imaginable. Trade associations are made up of members of an industry who are working toward a common goal of promoting and improving a particular industry. They advocate for the people who work in the industry as […]
AER Reporting is a Good Thing
Adverse Event Reports (AERs) need to be a major consideration for dietary supplement formulators, labelers, and marketers. Adverse events can happen at any time and are even associated with the best of companies. They can truly be alarming for any natural products company. Nonetheless, if these reports are processed appropriately, formulators and consumers will have […]