When thinking about the state of your health, when was the last time you thought about the health of your adrenals? As a practicing physician, when I think about health, I think about cardiovascular health, immune health, digestive health, blood sugar management, joints – the list goes on and on. And you’ll see huge sections […]
About Paz Eilat, MD
Paz Eilat, MD, is a Principle, CEO and Chief Medical Officer for Allied BioNutrition Corporation. For more than 19 years, he has been an Internist and Family physician, practicing medicine in the Los Angeles area. He is highly experienced in treating thousands of patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol. He attended Medical School at Szent-Gyorgyi Albert Medical University in Szeged, Hungary in 1992. Dr. Eilat completed his Internal Medicine Residency program in 1996 at the University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine VA Medical Center and Washoe Medical Center Affiliate in Reno, Nevada.